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Sound of Our Town
A book by Brett Milano

The Sound of Our Town by Brett Milano    The Sound of Our Town (released in 10/2007) is a major event in the Boston Music scene. It can not be ignored. This is the first and maybe the only book that will be written on exclusively Boston Music, which makes it very unfortunate that Brett does not like the Boston Sound, at least in these quarters.
   I have talked a little with Brett and knew he didn't like the Boston Sound and that the book would reflect that. So, it was no surprise to me when I read the book. The release of The Sound of Our Town has given him the opportunity to put down the Boston Sound in interviews….Click for online interview with Brett Milano.
   The chapter which talks about the Boston Sound is called The Tea Party and the Boston Sound (1967-1970). The chapter is 20 pages long and the section on the Boston Sound is 12 pages.    Basically, Brett dismisses the music and remarks that "the music wasn't always the best Boston had to offer" and it has a "period charm". This puts the stop to any revisionist look at the music for some time I would say.

   But now the good news: The book is very enjoyable and even the chapter on the Boston Sound is a good read despite my problems with the criticism of the music. Brett does a superb job describing the times and the music scene at all periods of Boston rock the sixties included.
   The Boston Sound chapter talks of the Boston Tea Party, the beginnings of WBCN, drugs, the Vietnam War, Harvard Square, LSD, Mel Lyman, The Club 47, The Psychedelic Supermarket, and musical personalities: Steve Cataldo, JJ Rassler, Peter Wolf, Ted Meyers, and Bruce Arnold. It's all good with some nice pictures. In Boston we are glad to have this and it's a must for any Boston music fan to have.
   Click for Brett Milano webpage.

   So, I continue to be the lighthouse in the shit storm of Bosstown Sound criticism. Bring it on people, I can take it - I got the music.

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