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Quill played at Woodstock    Quill had a unique status whereas they opened the second day of music at Woodstock. They weren't in the movie or the LP but they played.

   Even though they were never that big a thing on the Boston scene they have quite a story and they tell it very well on Wikipedia, of all places.
   Link to Quill on Wikipedia.
   Some info - they used to have a picture of Quill at Woodstock.
   This is a 2009 article about Quill and Woodstock.... Boston Globe Quill article.

   The album is a lot of arty stuff. It's well written if a little soulless. They have nice spots like the end of They Live the Life where it revs up with an African beat section.

   The album has been released on CD and that's expensive now.....Amazon .

Update 2022: A daughter of one of the members has almost finished a documentary on the band. At her website for the film CLICK HERE FOR SITE there is a very interesting 5 minute trailer.
It's amazing sometimes that you have to wait 55 years to get info on a band!

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